NRA Basic Metallic Cartridge Reloading

Take this class, and in one day you will gain a skill that will last a lifetime, enhance your enjoyment of the shooting sports, and potentially save you $1000's of dollars.

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This is an intensive 9-hour class that covers all aspects of pistol and rifle cartridge reloading. You will not find a more complete class anywhere at any price.

The Basic Metallic Cartridge Reloading course exposes students to the basics of reloading centerfire metallic cartridges with little or no prior experience in reloading.   This is an intense 9-hour class that will cover all of the information necessary to enable you to safely reloading straight-wall pistol and bottleneck rifle cartridges for a variety of firearm types.

Basic reloading equipment
Course Goal

To provide beginning reloaders with the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to safely reload metallic cartridges.   During the class, students will use a variety of standard reloading equipment to produce functioning ammunition.

Topics Include:
  • Introduction to Reloading and Reloading Safety
  • Centerfire Cartridge Components
  • Using Reloading Manuals and Reloading Data
  • Metallic Cartridge Reloading Equipment Overview
  • The Metallic Cartridge Reloading Process
  • Hands-On Cartridge Reloading
  • Course Review and Examination


There are no prerequisites for taking this course.   Attendees should bring lunch, snacks, and safety glasses.   Everything else (equipment, components, tools, etc) will be supplied by the instructor.

Attendees Will Receive:
  • A copy of the NRA Guide To Reloading
  • A 75-page workbook that includes a hard copy of all the course materials
  • Real-time feedback on the practical exercises conducted during the course
  • Friendly expert instruction as you make functioning ammo using top of the line equipment

NRA Guide To Reloading

Please Note: There is a short written test on the lesson material at the end of the course.